Friday, 12 February 2016

View from Outside

Thursday 11th February 2016

Phew - it was busy today! I was going to go outside while the sun was shining to take a picture of the exterior of the library to put on this blog. It was home time before I got the chance! So here is what it looks like as I lock up at night. I will get a good sunny shot when I can :-) It is a pretty library really!

As you know by now, Thursday is Poets day - one of my favourite groups that use the library. Caroline was early again - but luckily I'd got the room ready and her hearing loop and box of literature in the room ready for them to use. The sun was streaming through the windows and it was quite hot in their rooms. In fact, Caroline reported after the class that everyone was quite slow today. Maybe the heat or the fact that they are ready for their half-term break. They won't be here next week.

TV crew in Silverdale
I had an extra early lunch today as Cheryl had to come to cover my break from Newcastle. As there were two staff off sick from there - she had to get back by 1pm. So, I had my lunch around 11.45am to give her time to get back there and get some lunch herself. It seems that there were some interviews going on for the supervisor post at Cheadle that didn't get filled by existing staff. Strange as the closing date for applications isn't until 21st Feb - so I don't know why they are interviewing already. Who knows!?

My Blast from the Past today is when I had TV and radio crews in Silverdale the day that Children's Laureate Julia McDonald came to entertain the local primary school children. It was such a fun day. They performed Room on the Broom for her and she tried out some of her new material on them. We were even on Midlands Today - where Julia was passionately defending libraries and the importance of them to children's education and development. She was just great!

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