Friday, 12 February 2016

Half-Term Excitement

Friday 12th February 2016

Happy Spider Coaster on my desk
You can feel the excitement in the air - half-term is nearly here. Some children seemed to have finished at lunchtime today. While it means there won't be any classes in the library - there will be lots of children. Usually we'd have had a craft activity for them - but there are so few staff around now we don't get to do that anymore. I remember when Tracy and I had a Halloween craft session where we showed the children how to make spider drinks coaster and hanging skeletons. It was great fun! The coaster is still here on my desk right now :-)

One memorable kids' activity we had was when two Roman Soldiers came for the day! They were fantastic! They were in full costume and in between entertaining visiting classes from the two local schools - they just roamed around the library all day talking to everyone who came in. The customers were fascinated with the props they'd brought with them - such as the stick that Romans used to wipe their bottoms with! It was such a fun day. They gave me a tiny pair of leather Roman Sandals - which had their website embossed on them! Ancient and Modern!!

Poseable skeleton
This half-term I'll just have to make sure there are plenty of colouring sheets out and maybe fish out the old board games from the back office. Though I guess most of the kids will prefer to be on the computers playing games anyway.

Had a couple of new library customers today - I got them signed up as they wanted to print from the computers.

One was trying to send a CV off for a job application and the other guy was printing out colourful tattoo designs. That is a popular activity here at Silverdale :-)

Mr. C was in - checking up on a local news story. He'd been told by someone in the bookies that a man had gone into Boots in Newcastle and slit his own throat. We checked the local news sites and it turns out that the poor chap had died. How horrific for the staff and shoppers too. It must have been horrendous.

The tiny leather Roman Sandals

There were some last-minute customers as I was closing down the systems - a man with three lively children. He'd checked the catalogue on his phone and saw that we had a book he wanted so he'd rushed in to get it. It was the autobiography of Shane Ward - which I found and he went off happy :-)

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