Monday, 22 February 2016

Disaster Monday!

Monday 22nd February 2016

I had to turn lots of people away today - as the computers weren't working. My admin one was (in a limited capacity) but the public ones were not at all. According to the emails I got, there had been a power outage over the weekend and the Uninterruptable Power Source had also failed - so two components were completely trashed. This meant the whole website for the council was down as well as many important internal systems.

Mr S and clipboard :-)
Luckily as our Library Management System was via the internet - it was fine. I could also get onto the web - just not the intranet. So, it didn't disrupt my work too much. I was still able to help out Mr. S aka Crossword Guy. He didn't have too many for me today. He wanted to know:

1. Where Bernard Cribbens was born - Oldham
2. What is the title of the latest Rocky movie - Creed
3. Who owns Chelsea football club - Roman Abramovich (I knew that one without looking it up :-)
4. What is a breed of Zebu cattle that is used for dairy farming in Pakistan. (Two words) - turns out to be Red Sindhu

You learn something every day :-) Mr S let me take a photo of him and his clipboard too!

It was also Coffee Tots day - so as usual the place was full of pushchairs and the sound of singing and occasional crying. It was as popular as ever and the health visitors that run it were telling me that they are going to be running another session in the local school as it is so oversubscribed. Their managers are so delighted as no event they have tried before has ever got off the ground.

Landscape with sheep
Mr N came in too today  - he was delighted with his new Simon Scarrow book he took last time. He said that within the first few pages there were heads coming off and blood everywhere - he couldn't put it down. He was looking for a recent Clive Cussler on the New Book stand - but sadly there wasn't one there today. I told him he might see one next time.  "Ah, yes " he replied "As my old dad used to say - you never know your luck with your trousers down!" (I think he comes from a Naval family :-)

My Blast from the Past today is from last year when we held a free Felt Landscape Course and I got to have a go myself. It was an interesting technique - as you had to get lambs wool wet with soapy water and rub it between sheets of bubble wrap to make it into felt. It was quite messy - but fun. I was quite pleased with the sheep on mine :-)

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