Friday, 15 January 2016

The life and times of Mr C...

Thursday 14th January

I know that you are not supposed to have a favourite customer - so I won't admit that. :-) However one of my most supportive clients has got to be Mr. C. He's been coming into the library ever since I started - over 9 years ago. In fact, most days he comes in more than once. He pops in first thing in the morning while he is waiting for the bus into Newcastle. You get a good view of the bus stop from inside the library. When the bus comes in - he can run pretty fast for an 81 year old!

Mr. C picks his horses
Then he comes in later, newspaper in hand, to pick out his horses for the day. He checks the form and writes down his bets for the day before going over the road to the local bookies. I love it when he comes in and says "I'm backing with HIS money today!" He always looks so happy about it.

He certainly knows a lot about horses, trainers and racecourses.

I asked him today if I could take his photo and asked him how long he'd been using Silverdale Library - and was amazed to hear he'd been coming in for nearly 40 years! Since 1977 when he moved to the village. He deserves a medal for our longest serving customer!

I am very proud of the fact that I taught him how to use Facebook - and now he can keep in daily contact with his son who lives in Greece. He used to have the odd call with him - now he can chat, message and actually see what he's been up to with all his photos. He's so good on the computer that he comes in with his betting buddy M, and looks up all the dog racing results for him!

What a star!!

Some of the 72 drawers
My Blast from the Past today is really old - in fact one of the library's' proper old-school card catalogues. They put a few up for auction last year and I was crazy? lucky? enough to buy one. In fact it is a huge one - with 72 drawers. In fact I am still in the process of renovating it. Thee are a LOT of brass parts to polish up. It is so cool to have a part of the library in my house. I love it :-)

The mighty beast

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