8th January 2016
Some of the knitters in action! |
Today, being Friday, meant that the library was only open from 1pm - 4.30pm. But it was still a busy and fun-packed afternoon. The wonderful Farida came from Newcastle library to oversee a class visit from Year 2 from the local primary school. Also, Friday afternoon is also
Knit and Natter, Crochet and Chatter afternoon too! The local ladies come together to help each other out with their wool projects, admire each others handiwork and have a catch-up of all the local news. At the same time as drinking tea and eating biscuits. Or occasionally cake when Gwen has made some!
Farida handing out crocodiles :-) |
Meanwhile, at 1.30pm on the dot Class 2 arrived. They wee walking in twos, holding hands and wearing high-vis jackets. It was actually a lovely sunny afternoon for a walk. They were so well-behaved and settled themselves on the story mat in the children's' library. Farida read them three stories - including the hilarious Whiffy Wilson - all about a wolf that wouldn't wash! She had them screeching with laughter! It was lovely to see :-) She asked them how much they thought it cost to join the library - surprising to see so many who didn't know that it is completely free. Before they went back they each coloured in their own crocodile bookmark and Farida made them promise to come back to the library again! It worked so well on one little boy that he came in with his uncle right after school!
Some of the tiny hats :-) |
Today's Blast from the Past involves the Friday knitters - back in October 2013, when they took part in the Innocent Smoothies Big Knit Campaign. It involved knitting tiny hats for the smoothie bottles. These special bottles would then be sold and money given to a charity to help older people at Christmas. They knitted some awesome hats and I sent them off. Then a couple of months later they got a Thank-You card in the post. It was great!
The Thank-You card. |
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