It's been quite an interesting afternoon! To start with I had to get the room and the tea and biscuits ready for the Knit and Natter Group - and sure enough they were the first through the doors when I opened at 1pm.
Then I'd had an email from the boss at Newcastle saying that she would be visiting today to show the new Site Supervisor for Newcastle around the library. She needs to know how to open and close the place - as well as find out about the various tasks in the library from testing the water to preparing the invoices for the room hires and washing all the towels.
The automatic door at Silverdale definitely has a mind of its own and can be very troublesome when it wants to be. In fact me and Tracy used to say it was possessed. I've got kind of used to its wicked ways - it can just open and close continuously for a whole morning, for example - if it sets its mind to it. I now have a straightened-out extra large paper clip which I insert into a particular hole if it doesn't behave :-)
The whole opening, shutting and alarm-setting the library has traumatised many people - so I have tried to make it easier by writing out the procedure step-by-step. There are quite a lot of steps it must be said, involving as it does four different sized keys and a mysterious black fob - but if you follow them to the letter you are usually fine :-0
I think the alarm might be going off a few times in the first few weeks of my absence!
While I was waiting for my visitors and in between customers I decided to weed the Mills and Boon I really have too many of them. I can't believe books with these kind of titles are still popular in this day and age! What would Emma Watson say? :-)
Just as I was taking her through everything, suddenly there was a lot of loud shouting outside! We looked through the windows and saw two cars draw up and some young chaps running around. Then a police car - sirens blaring and blue lights flashing arrived at speed and screeched to a halt right outside. The men were all talking at the officers at the same time and they all ran off to the Co-op right next-door. Then Coral, the library cleaner arrived and said there were some very agitated youths in the Parade and one covered in blood. Some trying to calm others down. She was scared to come round to the library so her hubby drove her round.
My visitors looked a little shocked and nervous when they left shortly afterwards. When I left a few minutes later there was an ambulance there and a man being treated in the Co-op. I saw him being led into the ambulance as I drove away. No idea what had happened.
I know that Nathan worries about me working in Silverdale and thinks 'll be lucky to get away with my life at the end of the month, but I don't think it's too bad. Most people are so lovely although I have had a few scares while working there. The main problem came from just one customer - who was verbally abusive and somewhat unstable. The 8 months he was in prison for drug dealing were the most relaxed I'd ever felt there because I never had to think - I wonder if he will come in and ruin my day today. I knew I was safe! You do feel a little exposed working in a building that anyone can use - more so since Tracy left two years ago and I spend long periods working alone.
The scariest time was just after Christmas on a very dark morning when I opened up at 8.30am. There wasn't a soul about - as the kids were all on holiday so no parents taking them to school There was a chap stood outside the library as I arrived. He moved off while I unlocked and went in - but once inside he started to peer through the windows and follow me around as I got things up and running. I went into the back office where he couldn't see me and tried to call someone at Newcastle - but it was early and no-one answered. I did resolve to not unlock at 9am if he was still there - as he would be the only person in the building beside me. I was actually very scared. After a while I peered round the door and I couldn't see him at all. So, I did unlock the doors on time - but I was very nervous until some people I knew came in.
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Just for me... |
Oh dear - this has been quite serious hasn't it? I guess every job has it's downside. Anyway - back to the good stuff! My Blast from the Past is from when Simon Armitage visited Silverdale. After our session he did an event at Keele University - which I got tickets to. He is a great performer - and he signed my copy of his book afterwards :-) I shall treasure it always!
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